- 201-1AP - Entrance Age
- 201-2AP - Admission of Reciprocal Exchange Students
- 201-3AP - Admission of Unfunded Students
- 201-4AP - Independent Students
- 201-5AP - Fees for School and Transportation
- 201-6AP - Student Records
- 202-1AP - Student Attendance
- Exhibit 1 Student Attendance Telephone Contact Form
- Exhibit 2 Attendance Letter One (after telephone contact)
- Exhibit 3 Attendance Letter Two
- Exhibit 4 Attendance Improvement Plan
- Exhibit 5 Attendance Letter Three
- Exhibit 6 Tardiness Letter One (after telephone contact)
- Exhibit 7 Tardiness Letter Two
- 202-2AP - Students' Responsibilities
- 202-3AP - Appeals Concerning Student Matters
- 202-4AP - Hazing
- 202-5AP - Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies
- 202-6AP - Searches: Locker/Student
- 202-7AP - Student Code of Conduct
- 202-8AP - Student Suspension
- 202-9AP - Student Expulsion
- 202-10AP - Student Awards & Scholarships Criteria
- 202-11AP - Criminal Matters
- 203-1AP - Administration of Medication/Medical Assistance to Students
- Exhibits 1-10 Permission/Approval Forms, Plans, Templates
- Exhibit 11 Information Handbook-Anaphylactic Shock
- Exhibit 12 Student Accident Report Form - Please submit from Hour Zero
- 203-2AP - Child Abuse Reporting Procedures
- 203-3AP Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint
- 204-1AP - Health & Wellness Action Plans
- 205-1AP - Service Dogs in School
- 301-1AP - Assessment and Reporting
- 301-2AP - Student Progress Reports to Parents
- 301-3AP - Promotion of Students
- 301-4AP - Specialized Assessments
- 302-1AP - Calendar Guidelines
- 302-2AP - Instructional Design
- 302-3AP - Off-Campus Education
- Exhibit 1 Program Agreement
- Exhibit 2 Student Data Sheet
- Exhibit 3 Cover Letter To The Employer
- Exhibit 4 Employer Letter
- Exhibit 5 Monthly Timesheet
- Exhibit 6 End of Program Paperwork
- Exhibit 7 Student's Mid-term Self-Evaluation
- Exhibit 8 Final Student Self-Evaluation
- Exhibit 9 Employer's Mid-tern Evaluation
- Exhibit 10 Final Employer Evaluation
- Exhibit 11 Employer Brochure
- Exhibit 12 Certificate of Appreciation
- 302-4AP - Inclusive Student Education Program
- 302-5AP - Out-of-Division Program Placement Agreements
- 302-6AP - Locally Developed/Acquired & Authorized Courses
- 302-7AP - Home Education
- 302-8AP - Field Trips & Excursions
- 302-9AP - Approval for School Participation in Physical Activities
- 302-10AP - Multi-School Programming
- 302-11AP - Support for Student Organizations
- 302-12AP - Outreach Program
- 302-13AP - Research Studies
- 303-1AP - Use of Personal Electronic Devices
- 303/304-1AP - Use of Division and Personal Technology
- 305-1AP - Selection of Learning Resources
- 305-2AP - Challenges About Learning Resources
- 400-1AP - BTPS Staff Code of Conduct
- 400-2AP - Conflict of Interest and Fraud Prevention
- 401-1AP - Health and Wellness of Staff and Students
- 401-2AP - Bullying/Personal/Sexual Harassment
- 401-3AP - Public Interest Disclosure (Whistle Blower Protection)
- 402-1AP - Nepotism Avoidance
- 402-3AP - Personnel Records
- 402-4AP - Employee Discipline
- 402-5AP - Teacher Professional Growth, Supervision and Evaluation
- 402-6AP - Leadership Growth, Supervision and Evaluation
- 402-7AP - Transfer of Professional Staff
- 402-8AP - Teacher Preparation Time
- 402-9AP - Staff Professional Learning
- 402-11AP - Staff Evaluation
- 402-12AP - Staff Remediation
- 402-13AP - Professional Staff Reduction
- 402-14AP - Professional Improvement Leave
- 402-15AP - Non-certificated Trained Status
- 402-16AP - Professional Staff Deployment
- 402-17AP - Criminal Record with Vulnerable Sector Check
- 403-1AP - Long Service Recognition
- 403-2AP - Exemplary Practice of Stakeholders
- Exhibit 1 Friends of Education Nomination Form (external)
- Exhibit 2 Exemplary Practice Nomination Form (internal)
- 403-3AP - Outstanding Support Staff Award
- 500-1AP - Agent of the Board
- 500-2AP Volunteers
- 501-1AP - Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy
- 502-1AP - Media & Public Relations
- 502-2AP - Crisis Communication
- 502-3AP - Social Media Use
- 502-4AP - Events Protocols
- 502-5AP - Delegations to the Board
- 503-1AP - Community Use of School Facilities
- 503-2AP - Facility User Fee for Private Program Operations
- 505-1AP - Complaints about Jurisdiction Personnel
- 505-2AP - Dispute Resolution
- 506-1AP - School Councils
- 507-1AP - Business Partnerships
- 601-1AP - Budgeting & Reporting Timelines
- 601-2AP External and Internal Audit Responsibilities
- 602-1AP - Investments Admin Procedures
- 602-2AP - 2nd Parcel out Funds Disbursements for School Capital Projects
- 602-3AP - Authorized Signatures
- 602-4AP - Inventories
- 602-5AP - Purchasing and Purchase Authority
- 602-8AP - Overdue Accounts Receivable
- 602-9AP - Staff Travel & Expense
- 602-10AP - Disposal of Divisional Property
- 602-11 Insurance Management
- 602-12AP - Fundraising by Schools and Outside Groups
- 602-13AP - School Generated Funds
- 602.14AP - Charitable Donations
- 604-1AP - Records Management
- 701-1AP - Student Conduct/Discipline on Buses
- 701-2AP - Payride Busing
- 701-3AP - Student Transportation Eligibility
- 701-4AP - Student Transportation for Curricular or Extra-Curricular Trips
- 701-5AP - Contractor Selection
- 701-6AP - Bus Driver Qualifications
- 701-7AP - Roles & Responsibilities
- 701-8AP - Boundary Exemption Resident Students
- 701-8-1AP - Cross Jurisdictional (Non-Resident) Boundary Exemption Requests
- 701-9AP - Suspension of a School Bus Driver/Operator
- 701-10AP - Safety
- 701-11AP - Jurisdictional Bus Cancellations
- 701-12AP - Bus Contractor/Driver Based Cancellations
- 701-13AP - Scheduling
- 701-14AP - Route Planning
- 701-15AP - Bus Route Amalgamation
- 701-16AP - Accident Protocol & Reporting
- 701-18AP - Verification of Bus Driver License Credentials/Demerit Accumulation
- 701-19AP - School Bus Operator's Children on School Bus
- 701-20AP - Transporting Students for Hire
- 701-21AP - Transportation to Caregiver's Residence
- 701-22AP - Designated Means of Student Transportation: Parent/Agent Provided
- 701-22AP - Exhibit 1 Insurance Coverage Form - Parent/agent Provided Transportation Form
- 701-22AP - Exhibit 2 Driver Abstract Consent Form
- 701-22AP - Exhibit 3 Parent/Agent Provided Daily Transportation - ECS (PUF) Form
- 701-22AP - Exhibit 4 Parent Provided Transportation Grades 1-12 Form
- 701-22AP - Exhibit 5 Agent Provided Transportation Payment Submission Form
- 701-22AP - Exhibit 6 Parent Provided Regular Transportation Form
- 701-23AP - Transportation of Students with Diverse Learning and/or Physical Needs
- 701-24AP - Paid Yard Service
- 701-25AP - Turnaround - Essential Private Property Pick Up/Drop Off
- 701-26AP - Rural School Bus Stop Assessment
- 801-1AP - Workplace Health & Safety
- 801-1-1AP - Joint Health & Safety Committee
- 801-2AP - Accident Prevention - Chemical & Hazardous Product Management
- 801-3AP - Implementation of Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- 801-4AP - Emergency Procedures
- 801-5AP - Emergency School Closure
- 801-6AP - Vandalism
- 801-7AP - Maintenance Work Requests
- 801-8AP - Video Surveillance in School Facilities and on School Grounds
- 801-9AP - Issuing of School Keys
- 801-10AP - Facility Enhancement Projects
- 802-1AP - School Review/Closure