BTPS School Board Trustee Elections will be held on Monday, October 20, 2025.
Be a leader in your community. Become a school board trustee!
Trustees, as part of the Buffalo Trail Public Schools, make vital decisions about how education is delivered in your community. School board decisions affect our children’s education and the cultural, social and economic life of our local communities. If you have a passion and interest in the success of educating children and a vision for local education, consider running for school board.
Nomination deadline is 12 noon on September 22, 2025. No late applications accepted.
Nominations are accepted at the Central Services office beginning January 1, 2025 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday to Friday and until Monday, September 22, 2025 at 12 noon (1041 10a Street, Wainwright).
It is advisable to call in advance to ensure a time to accept your nomination submission: E-mail faye.dunne@btps.ca or call 780-806-2060.
Nominations must be provided in-person. Note if the candidate is having another person deliver the nomination form on their behalf, it must be signed by a Commissioner for Oaths before delivery. For the full nomination package including forms, click HERE.
School board trustees are local politicians elected by and accountable to the communities they serve. The provincial government delegates to school boards the responsibility for conducting the affairs of the school jurisdiction. The school board has many responsibilities, including;
- setting school jurisdiction goals that ensure students have the knowledge and skills that enable them to be better prepared for life;
- planning school jurisdiction priorities based on provincial curriculum requirements, community input, available resources and best practices in education
- developing policies to guide school jurisdiction administration and employees toward division goals;
- ensuring residents of the school jurisdiction are regularly informed about the work and achievements of the school division;
- advocating on behalf of the school community to decision-makers and stakeholders on important issues that affect education, and to ensure education is a top public priority;
- ensuring regular opportunities for public input and access;
- evaluating the school jurisdiction’s chief executive officer – the superintendent of schools.
What is the time commitment?
School board trustees are expected to attend regular meetings and special meetings, sit on committees, attend school council meetings and other functions. To get an idea of what is required contact a current trustee. The trustee contact information is HERE
- Four-year term
- At least two meetings per month
- Dates and times are established by the Board (currently meetings are daytime from 9:30 am)
- Attendance at school council meetings
Engagement in committees is also available. For the list of current committees see 102BP Board Committees

Understanding an individual trustee's role and responsibilities is fundamental to good governance. A school board trustee is a member of a board, and as such, trustees cannot act unilaterally.
It is through the process of collaborating and engaging in joint decision-making as members of the board that trustees work to translate the educational values, priorities and expectations of the community into policy.
Once the board of trustees has voted, individual trustee members are bound by the majority decision, regardless of whether they supported or voted against it during debate.
Trustees bring a range of skills, experience, knowledge, values, beliefs, and opinions to their role. Their background does not necessarily include teaching, administration, or any other aspect of education. This diversity can support democratic processes and contribute to good decision-making.
The trustee's role as an education advocate often extends beyond the boundaries of the jurisdiction. In the broader public domain, trustees are education advocates throughout the province and work with the provincial government in the shared interest of publicly-funded education. They may liaise with members of the provincial government, the school system, and with local organizations or individuals in the community in the course of carrying out their duties as a locally-elected official.
- Attend and participate in board meetings
- Become familiar with and adhere to the Trustee Code of Conduct, report any violations
- Become familiar with Division policies and procedures, meeting agendas and reports in order to participate in Board business.
- Help newly elected trustees become informed about the history, functions, policies, procedures, and issues.
Undertaking a governance role is a commitment to promote the effective functioning of the school board as a whole.
- 101BP - Board Operations (including compensation and reimbursements)
- 101.02BP - Board Operations - Board Roles
- 101.03BP - Board Operations - Trustee Code of Conduct
A Chair and Vice-Chair are not elected directly into those positions by the communities, and are chosen by the Board of Trustees at the Organizational Meeting and typically annually thereafter. There are no terms or limits to the number of times a trustee can serve as Chair or Vice-Chair.
- Advocates for Alberta's children - assessing educational policies to support what is best for the development of the whole child.
- Champions for education - working with and being the voice of parents and public community members to ensure the best education possible for all children, everywhere in Alberta.
- Partners in Education - working with and being the voice of parents and public community members to ensure the best education possible for all children everywhere in Alberta.
- Strategic Governors - setting strategic priorities in light of community expectations, available resources, needs of students, and sound educational practice.
- Political Officials - reporting to the public electorate through the democratic process, school boards are a government entity charged with the responsibility to govern the affairs of the school authority under the Education Act.
- Evaluators - ensuring policies and practices are effective; ensuring effective management of resources; overseeing the effectiveness of leadership; ensuring policies are implemented in a fair and just manner and effective in achieving intended results for students.
- Communicators - interact with the many groups and people with a stake in K-12 education.
- Policy Makers - developing policies that guide the administration and other employees in achieving the School Board's goals for student success and wellness.
- Financial Planners - ensuring transparency to the public regarding the dollars spent in the school authority and the results of public investment in addressing the needs of students and the wants of the community.
School boards make a difference.
They care about the needs of children today and in the future.
Nomination forms and packages may be picked up at the Central Services office located at 1041-10a Street, Wainwright, Alberta.
To be nominated as a candidate in the school board election under the Local Authorities Election Act, a person must be eligible under sections 21 and 47 of the Local Authorities Election Act and sections 4.1 and 74 of the Education Act (if applicable) to be elected to the office, and not otherwise disqualified under section 22 or 23 of the Local Authorities Election Act.
The Nomination Day in Alberta is September 22, 2025. On Nomination Day, nominations will be accepted at Central Services located at 1041 10A Street, Wainwright from 8:30 am until 12:00 noon. Please see the checklist for all information that will be required, including deposit and criminal record check.
See section “Forms and Checklist” for information required to be nominated.
- Nomination form must be signed by at least 5 resident electors of the respective ward (see residency requirements below).
- Accompanied by a Criminal Record Check and Deposit and notice of intent
- Nomination forms must be submitted no later than Monday, September 22,2025 at the Central Services office by 12:00pm noon (1041 10a Street, Wainwright). It is advisable to call in advance to ensure a time to accept your nomination submission: E-mail faye.dunne@btps.ca or call 780-806-2060.
- Nomination Forms must be dropped off in person, or
- Where a nominee wishes to have their form delivered by an agent, the form must be witnessed by a commissioner for oaths in advance.
There are two distinct dimensions that determine a person’s place of residence: physical residence and faith-based residence.
For a map of our electoral wards see the following link:
Buffalo Trail Public School Division Wards
For a map of areas determined to be both public and Roman Catholic, see the following link:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16x7_Wp1zEbhqBFgxcc1azn7H4Ft-Benn?usp=sharing or
Below, see the requirements for residency based on faith, and based on ward locations.
Residency - Physical
There are two distinct dimensions that determine a person’s place of residence for the purposes of school board elections: physical residence and faith-based residence.
Physical residency is governed by these rules:
(a) a person may be a resident of only one place at a time for the purposes of voting.
(b) if a person has more than one residence in Alberta, they must designate one place of residence for the purposes of candidacy and voting.
(c) a residence is the place where the person lives and sleeps and where they intend to return following an absence.
(d) a person does not lose their residence by leaving their home for a temporary purpose, such as going on vacation.
Wards subdivide the total geographical area of the school authority into smaller geographical units. Persons who reside in a particular ward are residents of only that ward: all wards have one representative, except for Ward 3 (Stettler) which has two representatives.
Section 47 and 48 of the Local Authorities Election Act requires that, where wards or electoral subdivisions are established, a person is only eligible to run as trustee, nominate a trustee candidate, or vote in the ward in which the person resides (unless a voting station is established in a location outside of a particular ward). Buffalo Trail Public Schools has established wards in the division.
Every voter must make a statement in the presence of an election officer at the voting station, in the prescribed form, that the person is eligible to vote as an elector and produce for inspection at least one (1) authorized identification verifying the person’s identity and current residence.
Faith-Based Eligibility and Residency
Section 74 – Education Act
Where a separate school district is established, an individual residing in the boundaries of the established area is considered a separate school elector if they declare they are of the same faith (either Protestant or Roman Catholic) as those who established the separate school district. A separate school elector is eligible to be nominated as or vote for either a public school trustee or a separate school trustee for the school board in which the person resides (not both).
Buffalo Trail Public Schools has parts of the division where Roman Catholic school boundaries were formed. Residents of areas that have Roman Catholic school district boundaries must choose to be a resident of the Roman Catholic school division or a resident of the public school district: for the purposes of school board elections, a person cannot be a resident of both and must choose one.
All else considered, persons residing in an area that does not also have a Roman Catholic school boundary is a resident of the Buffalo Trail Public Schools and eligible to vote or run as a trustee. Similarly, if you are not of the Roman Catholic faith and reside in an area that has a catholic school boundary, you are a resident of the Buffalo Trail Public Schools and eligible to vote or run as a trustee.
Determination of Residency
To help to determine a person’s place of residence, the following can be used in order of priority:
(a) The address shown on the person’s driver’s license issued on behalf of the Government of Alberta or an identification card issued on behalf of the Government of Alberta.
(b) The address where the person’s income tax correspondence is addressed and delivered to.
(c) The address where the person’s mail is addressed and delivered to.
Where elections are concerned, a person loses their place of residence if they leave without the intention of returning to it. People who do not meet the residency requirements are not allowed to run or vote in that election.
The purpose of campaigning is to convince the electors of your ward that you are the best candidate for the position. Campaigns can include talking to people, putting up signs, handing out brochures, running ads in the newspapers and giving interviews to the media.
General Regulations
While the style of campaign is up to you there are few regulations that you need to be aware of:
- You may not reproduce a copy of the ballot that will be used in the election showing it to be marked for a particular candidate. (see Section 148 of the Local Authorities Elections Act)
- Campaigning at an advance vote or the voting station during election hours is not permitted. The only people allowed to be at the voting station are the RO, DROs, constables, candidates, official agents or scrutineers (who are authorized to attend) and the electors who are voting. This means that neither you nor your agent and campaign workers may display or circulate any type of literature or talk to any of the voters about the election. Campaigning at locations other than the Voting Stations on election day is permitted. (see also Section 152.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act)
- Bribery and exertion of undue influence are not permitted. This means you cannot give or promise money or another valuable consideration to anyone in return for a vote or for refraining from voting. You also may not threaten violence, injury or damage, or use intimidation to cause a person to vote or refrain from voting. (see section 116 and 117 of the Local Authorities Elections Act)
- Part 6 of the Local Authorities Election Act provides details about election offences and penalties. Many offences can result in fines and/or imprisonment. Please be sure to review these sections.
Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure
Please use the following link to access information on election finances, including requirements for 2025 on the disclosure of election finances.
A Guide-for-Municipal-Returning-Officers-in-Alberta-Modules 3 and 4
Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure
Election Signs
Please contact your local municipality where you are looking to place signage to ensure compliance with the Alberta Government and local municipal by-laws.
Alberta Transportation - Recommended Practices for Highway Signs
Alberta Transportation - Guidelines for the Installation of Election Signs
Interference with Posted Documents
Section 153 of the Local Authorities Election Act
"A person who, without authorization, takes down, covers up, mutilates, defaces or alters any notice or other document required to be posted under this Act is guilty of an offence and liable
(a) if the person is an officer, to a fine of not more than $1000, and
(b) in any other case, to a fine of not more than $200."
On Election Day - Signage
Section 152 of the Local Authorities Election Act
(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who, at an advance vote or on election day,
(a) displays within a building used for a voting station or within the boundaries of the land on which a building used for a voting station is located, or
(b) distributes within a building used for a voting station or within the boundaries of the land on which the building used for a voting station is located, an advertisement, handbill, placard, poster, circular, pamphlet, newspaper or other paper except those posted by the deputy in accordance with this Act is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $500.
(2) When a voting station is located in a building containing a complex of interlocking offices, stores or other facilities, the prohibition in subsection (1) applies only to the store, office or facility comprising the area used as a voting station.
(3) Where a person displays an advertisement, handbill, placard, poster, circular, pamphlet, newspaper or other paper contrary to subsection (1), the deputy may cause it to be removed, and neither the deputy nor any person acting under the deputy’s instructions is liable for trespass or damages resulting from or caused by the removal.
Election Resources
School Board Elections Information - Alberta Education
- Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA)
- Public School Boards' Association of Alberta (PSBAA)
- Rural Caucus of Alberta School Boards (RCASB)
- Alberta School Councils' Association
Key Information and Reports
- 101BP - Board Operations(including compensation and reimbursements)
- 101.02BP - Board Operations - Board Roles
- 101.03BP - Board Operations - Trustee Code of Conduct
Board Resources
- Current List of Trustees and Contact Information
- Board Policies
- Board Bylaws
- Meetings (Agenda and Minutes)
- Advocacy
- Highlights
Current List of Senior Leadership and Departments
About Our Division
- Our Schools
- Documents
- Facts and Figures
- Guiding Principles
- Newsletters
- Reports
- Education Reports
- Financial Documents
- Capital Planning
Legislation Resources
Education Act and Regulations
Local Authorities Elections Act
School Board Elections Guide
The Returning Officer for Buffalo Trail Public Schools is;
Peter Neale, 1041 - 10A Street, Wainwright, AB. T9W 2R4
Email: peter.neale@btps.ca Phone: 780-842-6144
October 20, 2025 - Election Day
October 22, 2025 (4:00 PM) - Deadline to receive a request for a recount.
October 24, 2025 - New Trustee Orientation Day
October 29, 2025 - Organizational and Regular Board meeting day.
November TBD - Committee of the Whole meeting as determined at the Organizational Meeting
November 16-18 - Alberta School Board Association Fall General Meeting
November 19-21 - Public School Board Association of Alberta Fall General Meeting
November TBD - Regular Board meeting during the last week of the month
December 3-5, 2025 - Board/Leadership Workshop
December TBD - Committee of the Whole
December TBD - Regular Board Meeting
Other Dates - ongoing standing committee meetings, monthly school council meetings, individual trustee professional development etc.