Board of Trustees
Back Row: Stephanie Cooper, Jim King, Arthur Block, Stephanie Spornitz, Missing: David Bensmiller and Darla Yonkman
Front Row: Michelle Webb (Superintendent), Kara Jackson (Board Chair), Tanya Ford (Board Vice Chair)
It’s easy to get in touch with all of our trustees, they welcome your comments and feedback.
The trustees are responsible for the overall governance and development of goals and policies that guide Buffalo Trail Public Schools.
If you have questions regarding your child’s education, your first point of contact should be your child’s classroom teacher, followed by the school’s principal and then the superintendent. More information on our process can be found in our Parents Working with Schools and School Systems section.
If you have general inquiries or if an individual or group would like to make a presentation at the public board meeting please contact the Board Secretary.
Vendors or suppliers should contact the appropriate department at the Central Office.