Mentorship Support

Supporting Teacher Mentorship

We are excited that you have decided to be a part of the exciting work of mentorship, and hope that this page will be a useful tool for you as you progress through your first years of teaching!

  • The Mentorship Program Chair is:
    • Tyson Lancaster, Dewberry School
  • The BTPS Mentorship Contact is:
    • James Trodden, Central Services

Alberta Education Resources

Helpful First-Year Teacher Tools

General Resources


  • roles and responsibilities
  • trust building
  • communication strategies
  • mentorship action plan
  • Short and Long Range Planning
  • Professional Growth Plan
  • Classroom Management
  • Self-Assessment


  • Reporting Achievement
  • Parent-Teacher Communication
  • Interviews
  • Life and Work Balance
  • IPP's


  • Review Mentorship Action Plan
  • Develop Second Action Plan?
  • Self-Assessment


  • Make it through Christmas concerts!


  • Accessing Resources
  • Engaging and Motivating Students
  • Using Effective Questioning Techniques


  • Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Observation and Reflection Strategies and Tools
  • Authentic Assessment Tools
  • Collaboration


  • Professionalism and the use of Technology
  • Inclusive and Diverse Education


  • Review of Mentorship Action Plan
  • Creation of a Third Action Plan
  • Self-Assessment


  • Program Evaluation
  • Self-Assessment
  • Review of Third and Final Mentorship Plan