Bellinda Kennedy
Executive Assistant
Hello, I am Bellinda Kennedy aka Belle. My family was posted to CFB Wainwright when I was a young girl and Wainwright has been home ever since.
Growing up I was a member of the Wainwright Dance Academy for 17 years where I was trained in Ballet, Jazz, and Hip Hop. After graduating, I went to teach creative dance and beginner ballet. Over the years I have been a coach/trainer for the Peewee Guard Dogs, VP/treasure of the Wainwright Skating Club and have managed many teams for hockey and lacrosse as well.
I have worked in the agriculture industry for 12 years as an Inventory-Finance Manager before going back to school in 2021 and venturing out into the health care world. I then took a position in the Wainwright Long term facility as a Health Care Aide, at this time I also worked at a chiropractic clinic as a patient coordinator and two days a week I worked as an EA at the Wainwright Elementary School. After a life changing event I thankfully found myself working at BTPS with an amazing group of people. I am extremely excited to start my journey to see where it takes me, hoping along the way, I am able to make a difference and make people smile as they come into our office.