Crystal Tower
Director of Inclusive Learning, Buffalo Trail Public Schools. I have been on the BTPS team of educators for my entire career. I am very fortunate to be/and have been mentored, coached, and encouraged to pursue my passion for children/youth through inclusive learning by the best team in the province. The BTPS Department of Inclusive Learning, not only has a great team of hardworking, dedicated, and knowledgeable staff, but also has a vast portfolio that includes: Inclusive Learning, Early Childhood Services, English as an Additional Language, Social Emotional Wellness and Supports, Violence-Threat Risk Assessment, Crisis Response, and etc.. We, the Department of Inclusive Learning, believe in “Supporting Everyone’s Success”. It is my hope and belief that through creating awareness, understanding, and knowledge we will be able to assist every child/youth to smile, feel safe, cared for, and reach their social/emotional and learning goals.