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The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Award (ASBA)

Buffalo Trail Public Schools is pleased to announce that Gavin Checkosis is a recipient for the 2024 Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Award. Only 9 students in all of Alberta are chosen for this honourable award each year.

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Student Award recognizes Alberta students in different grade levels who have shown tremendous growth in developing skills to better themselves by demonstrating determination, initiative and independence, which has led to their improved success both academically and personally.

Gavin Checkosis is a grade 9 student at E.H Walter School in Paradise Valley and has been since kindergarten. He impresses his classmates and teachers with his personal and academic growth. He is determined and shows initiative through his concerted efforts to increase his marks, particularly in math, so that he can pursue his goal of post-secondary education. He is known for being the first one to class, ready to learn and actively participating in his own learning. He also pursues extracurricular activities including track and field and basketball. He models quiet leadership skills, is a team player, and a driven athlete who strives to be his very best. As part of his personal growth, Gavin attends the local youth group where he actively contributes to fundraisers and events to help with community initiatives.

Congratulations, Gavin!

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