Council of School Councils

Media Release - November 8, 2024
BTPS Trustees and Superintendent Webb were excited to host representatives from school councils across the division to an evening event on November 4th, 2024 to share the good things happening in their schools as a result of their school councils.
The evening started with a round of introductions and the reason people volunteered to join school councils. The reasons were wide ranging from just having more information about the school their children attend to wanting to give back.
This networking experience gave the representatives a time to gather ideas from each other. Many of the School Councils are looking for ways to improve communication, partner with communities and increase their memberships. They wanted people to know that school councils are more than fundraising and having another job to do. Parents and community members are important partners in public education and contribute to the success of the school.
BTPS believes that when parents are engaged and involved, everyone - students, parents, families, teachers, schools, and communities - benefits, and our schools become increasingly rich and positive places to teach, learn, and grow. The parent-division partnership is essential in a student’s development and fostering a relationship of reciprocal trust.
We are so thankful for the parents and community members who are on school council executives or attending meetings. Their work truly makes a positive impact on BTPS as a whole. We continue to encourage parents or community members to take an active role in their local school council. “Many hands make light work”.
Contact your local school today to find out more.