BTPS Celebrates 40 Years of the Kitscoty High School Band Program - Flourishing Story Rural Caucus of Alberta School Boards
The Board of Buffalo Trail Public Schools is a member of the Rural Caucus of Alberta School Boards. On the RCASB website it showcases ‘Flourishing Stories” from rural Alberta schools.
This month, Buffalo Trail Public Schools was proud to showcase and celebrate 40 years of the Kitscoty High School Band Program!
Kitscoty High School is proud to showcase its long-running band program involving students in grades 7-12. The program has been offered for over 40 years since moving into its current location, and in a school with a population of around 240 students, just under 200 of those are in band this year.
By participating in the band program, students are given opportunities to interact with their community, collaborate with their peers on a whole new level, and explore the world around them. Students have competed in music festivals around Alberta, attended workshops at various universities and colleges, performed 2 - 4 concerts annually for the community, collaborated with the school’s drama club a few times, and gone on tour both within our own province as well as internationally with the Buffalo Trail Public Schools Honour Band.
Current band director of KHS, Jamie Stromberg, says, “One of the perks of teaching a band program in a rural setting is that you get to see the sparks of excitement in the eyes of the beginners and watch their journey through to mature musicians in high school. In the cities you often only get to experience the beginning of the journey or the end, not both.”
Thank you to our supportive community, parents, and administration for making this program a success!
Check out the full feature here.